(This post contains Amazon affiliates) Disney holidays are magical and for a lot of people are a once in a lifetime experience. And whilst uploading your photos to Facebook or printing them out for a photo album are great. I think your trip is worthy of something a bit more special! So for the past few years I have made Disney Holiday Memory Pin Boards. I often get asked how to make them so I thought I would show you really easy step by step instructions…
Decide what kind of board you would like to have. There are great box frames in The Range and Ikea. These are brilliant as they come with a backing made for sticking pins into. If you are looking for something that you can change you might want to get a simple pin board which you can get on Amazon.

When you are on your holiday it’s a good idea to pick up pins that are special to the person you are making the pin board for. Each trip I treat my children to a pin of their favourite ride. You might also want to get one based on their favourite character interaction. Or one to represent their favourite park. Which makes it really specific to that trip. You can pick these up in shops in the parks or if you are in Florida you can find cheaper ones in the outlets.

In the parks you will stumble across things that are free. For example you might pick up something when you go to a special character meal, in Walt Disney World you can get large badges for free if you ask at your reception or in shops in the parks. I just collect as many memories as possible and pop them straight in my bag so I can use them when I get home.

In all parks you can get a hold of maps. I always make sure that we have one we can use during our trip that I don’t mind being ripped or covered in ice cream! But I also ensure I put a couple in my rucksack to bring home as memories. If you are there for a special occasion such as a Halloween event they provide you with a different type of map which is always a really lovely memory to bring home with you. If you have an idea of what you would like your pin board to look like you can plan accordingly.

Right you’ve got all your bits and pieces which you have probably bought home shoved in all sorts of suitcases and bags. Now it’s time to get everything into piles! Depending on how many pin boards you are making. I make one for each of my children and I’ll let you into a little secret…I always make myself one! You may also want to include a special photo from your trip which is something I have included in previous boards.

Now it is time to pick the backing for your pin board. I find that maps provide a really interesting background. They are a good size and generally fit most boards if you cut them. Measure the correct size and then use the pins provided with the board to secure it in place. I think this is a better idea than using super glue as it means you can change it if you want to use the board again in the future.

Take all the items you want to put on the board and lay them on to work out how you would like it to look. It is good to have a really good play around with it before you commit to sticking it to the board. As this was quite a small frame and a square it actually was really easy to decide how I wanted it to look. I really like a collage style so I try to make sure every inch is covered in some Disney goodness.

Finally secure all your items in place. Whilst your backing is made for pins to go into it which is brilliant I have found that as the pins can be quite heavy it is a good idea to pop a bit of cellotape on the back. You can use the pins to put any cards into place but I would use a little light glue so they don’t drop off. A nice way to finish off the board is to put a name and date on the front using a label maker like this one. Or perhaps write it on the back so when your little one grows up they can remember what trip it came from.

Love this idea and will make an amazing keepsake for each one of is. Thanks Emma
Thanks so much! x